Tomás Ó Flatharta

Looking at Things from the Left

Archive for the ‘Arts and Culture’ Category

Scumbags in Dublin who stop immigrants getting shelter – the Dublin government is “punching down” says a group of 30 Non-Governmental Organisations (NGO’s)

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Street Photographer Chris Reid reports :

Barriers replace tents on Mount Street and along the Grand Canal. Barriers now extend along the Grand Canal from Mount Street to South Richmond Street. Good luck to the people in the tents getting through this mess.

Well done Chris. There is no political and moral difference between the actions of the arsonists and racist protesting scum who try to prevent asylum seekers getting shelter in hostels or hotels – and the actions of government ministers and functionaries – like Harris the Taoiseach and Harris the Garda boss. Double-standard “opposition” politicians who dog-whistle to the racists saying “No Open Borders” – E.g. the Sinn Féin Justice spokesperson Donnacha Ó Laoghaire – also share the blame. Genuine anti-racists can and will do much better.

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Robert Ballagh’s “The Thirtieth of January”: A Bloody Sunday Painting and the Troubles in the Two Bits of Ireland

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In this interview the artist Robert Ballagh discusses the painting “The Thirtieth of January”, depicting Bloody Sunday in Derry in 1972. The conversation provides valuable insights into Ballagh’s personal experiences and artistic process, shedding light on the political and social context of the time.

The interview provides a unique insight into the historical and cultural significance of the painting.

Critical issues related to the Irish government’s response to the conflict, the impact of the Bloody Sunday event, and the broader social and political implications are highlighted. Ballagh’s commentary on the role of the Irish government, the impact on nationalist communities, and the establishment of the Special Criminal Court adds depth to the discussion.

Bloody Sunday Painting – the Thirtieth of January – Robert Ballagh

Thursday, January 20 2022. John Meehan interviews the artist Robert Ballagh in Number Five Arbour Hill.

We are talking about Robert’s painting : The Thirtieth of January, a representation of Bloody Sunday in Derry, January 30 1972.

John Meehan :

Why did you zone in on Derry’s Bloody Sunday , and put so much effort into making this painting? What makes it different from so many other big events during “The Troubles” in the north of Ireland, which lasted for 30 years, from 1968 to 1998?

Robert Ballagh

Well, it’s a long time ago now 50 years, but I have to say that it had an enormous effect on me, and I don’t think I’m alone with that historical experience. I suppose one thing I should say, I was only thinking about this, and I haven’t said anything about this experience to others. I’m a Dubliner. I’ve lived all my life in Dublin. But unlike most Dubliners – it wasn’t by design – I had an extraordinary rich knowledge of the North of Ireland, before the conflict began. Because I was a professional musician in a showband. We used to play at least once or twice a week in the north. So I was in every town village or city in the north that had a ballroom or ballrooms. And so I experienced the reality of life in that society, and became very aware of the sectarian differences, shall we say – the nature of the society, which people didn’t appreciate at all. I tell one very short story to illustrate that. We played fairly regularly in one of the very popular ballrooms in Belfast : Romano’s in Queen Street. We developed quite a following! In the show business vernacular the word groupie was used. These girls used follow us, they came down to Dublin once or twice to hear us. And we were playing one night in Romano’s.

Robert Ballagh’s “The Thirtieth of January”

After the dance, they came up and we’re talking to us. They asked “When are you playing again in Belfast?”.
I remember saying “Oh, I think we’re here next week.”
“Oh, really?”
“Yeah – we’re playing in a ballroom called the Astor” which I knew was in Smithfield.
And they said, “Oh, we can’t go there.” And I said, “Why?” – because it was a public ballroom. It wasn’t attached to any organization or anything. It was a public ballroom.
They said, “Oh, no, that’s a taig hall”
And it was the first time I realized, and we realized, that our fan base in Belfast was Protestant.

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Written by tomasoflatharta

May 28, 2024 at 8:50 am

Posted in 2018 Referendum to Repeal the 8th Amendment to the Irish Constitution, 26 County State (Ireland), Abortion, Archbishop John Charles McQuaid, Arts and Culture, “A Carnival of Reaction” - James Connolly’s Warning About the Partition of Ireland, Bloody Sunday, Bloody Sunday, Derry, January 30 1972, Britain, British Empire, British State (aka UK), British State Collusion with Loyalist Murder Gangs, British Tory Party, Catholic Church, Child Abuse, Derry, Derry Civil Rights March, October 5 1968, Drew Harris, Garda Commissioner, Drew Harris, Roya; Ulster Constabulary and An Gárda Síochána, Dublin Governments, Feminism, Fourth International, Garda Síochána, Good Friday Agreement 1998, History of Ireland, International Political Analysis, Ireland, Legislation in Ireland to Legalise Abortion, Mass Action, Miami Showband Massacre, 1975, Paul Murphy TD Dublin South-West, Police Forces in Ireland, Referendum in 1998, Deletion of Articles 2 and 3 from the Irish Constitution, Referendums, Religions, Revolutionary History, RISE, Robert Ballagh, Artist,Political Activist, Robert Ballagh’s Painting, January the Thirtieth, RUC/PSNI, Six County State, Special Criminal Court, Ireland, Unionism, Vatiban, War and an Irish Town (Eamonn McCann)

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Rory Hearne: Tackling Housing Crisis & Far-Right in Ireland | European Elections

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Link : Rory Hearne – We need Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael to be decimated

“We Need Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael to be Decimated”

Readers can note a welcome statement here in solidarity with Ukraine against the Russian imperialist far-right invaders :

In terms of the broader issues facing Europe, the EU has largely gone for a containment strategy against Russia in the Ukrainian war. It’s difficult to see too any other viable approach, given that the continent is faced with such a dangerous – not to mention nuclear-armed – adversary in Vladimir Putin. It truly is an absolute nightmare.

“It is,” nods Hearne. “Europe has responded in the best way it could. We rightfully absolutely opposed the horrific invasion of Ukraine. There’s no question the Russian invasion is imperialist, and it was horrific watching it. I would support how the EU has responded, and I’m proud of Ireland taking in Ukrainian refugees. What I’d say is we have to continue to support Ukraine. I think we also need to find ways of peace, and ways of not creating a permanent war there.”

See also : Ukraine and Palestine: building real solidarity is hard work

The left in Ireland needs to commit itself to a policy of no governmental coalition with the political right in any circumstances. See here : Vote left transfer pact June 7 2024 – positive PBP proposal

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Struggles for Self-Determination: Ukraine and Palestine Solidarity Discussion

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Link :

Ukraine and Palestine: building real solidarity is hard work

A guest post by JOHN LAWRENCE, from the People and Nature Blog hosted by Simon Pirani.

This article is relevant to the European Parliament Election campaign in Ireland and other parts of Europe.

“Genocide is genocide, a mass grave is a mass grave. We are with the people who are in there, and against the people who put them there”, journalist Ed Vulliamy told a discussion meeting in London on Monday.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine, and Israel’s war on Gaza – both of which have settler colonial and genocidal dimensions – had thrown an unusually clear light on the hypocrisy of people who oppose one, but not the other, Vulliamy said.

Marching in London, March 2024. Photos from United Action UK on instagram

In the United Nations, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky abstains over Gaza, and South Africa abstains over Ukraine, Vulliamy said.

“Large sections of the left wonderfully support Gaza but, having denied and justified [the massacre in 1995 of Bosnians by Serb troops at] Srebrenica, at best indulge, or support, Vladimir Putin and his imperial endeavour,” he continued.

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British SWP Promotes Marxism 2024 in London: Parody Politics – Ukrainian Left and AntiWar Russians Excluded

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On February 24 2022 the biggest war in Europe since World War 2 began : Russia invaded Ukraine.

In London The British SWP promotes Marxism 2024 – like the fictional insular Brit Basil Fawlty, Alex Callinicos (and a supporting cast including Jeremy Corbyn,Tariq Ali, and Yanis Varoufakis) offer parody politics.

This event is planned as 100% free of Ukrainian left and social movements and antiwar Russians. No debate here and no solidarity with victims of imperialism unless it is western imperialism.

For a different perspective, on Tuesday May 14 join socialists from Ukraine, Russia and elsewhere who are campaigning for the freedom of a political prisoner Maksym Butkevich.

John Meehan May 11 2024

Tent City : Racist Inhumanity Stalks Dublin in May 2024

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The photographer Chris Reid tells us everything we know about “tent city” in Dublin :

Some views of the ‘Tent City’ that was removed from Mount Street only to regenerate phoenixlike along the banks of the Grand Canal. Both Mount Street and Grand Canal are now fenced off to prevent a return of the tents. I’m wondering where in Dublin ‘Tent City’ will reappear and what other parts of Dublin will consequently become fenced off. The photos were taken on Sunday last, May 5 2024.

Chris Reid highlights tent city in Dublin
Rows of tents occupied by male asylum seekers and refugees on the banks of the Grand Canal, Dublin. The tents were removed on the morning of 9 May 2024.
Rows of tents occupied by male asylum seekers and refugees on the banks of the Grand Canal, Dublin. The tents were dismantled and the occupants removed on the 9 May 2024.
Rows of tents occupied by male asylum seekers and refugees on the banks of the Grand Canal, Dublin.

The comments on Chris Reid’s facebook page say it all :

Tents were set up at the East Link and Ringsend last night but removed after locals intervened Chris. The problem will just move around.

I didn’t hear about the East Link/Ringsend. I agree, it will move about.

Phoenix Park would be spacious enough! I hope our government will be kind to them

Sure if they’re house-less, they still have to live *somewhere*. Where are they expecting those kicked out to go?

“Patrick Somers, 84, wondered what would happen to people he used to consider neighbours. ‘I feel sorry for them. Wherever they’ve come from, they have to live somewhere’. Somers recalled the taunts he experienced as a labourer in London in the 1960s. ‘They’d say: ‘Go home, Paddy, go home.’ I remember that when I see these poor people’.”

Police dismantle tent city in Dublin – racism in action

in the 60’s pubs in UK had signs displayed saying ‘ no blacks, Irish or dogs allowed’ petered out in the 70’s but the feeling was there.

No country is dealing with the immigrant problem. No one has any policies, hate to think where it will end up for everyone☘️

It’s very sad and not humanitarian. Sweeping one place up and transferring to another, as if they are not humans. They spoiled the Ukrainians and deal with those in a very inhumane way.

I like the old man who make more sense.

They have to sleep somewhere while they are here. Exactly. They cannot make themselves invisible during the night, only because it doesn’t fit an image. I think they should set up in front of the Dail. Or on the front lawns of the politicians and property tycoons. I am sure they have nice big and spacey ones 🤣🤣🤣

Phoenix park. Not annoying anyone out there. Bylaws will prevent it. Government has made a complete balls of this.

All those billions in budget surplus yet they can’t build social housing ?

This crisis was caused by racist terrorists, who burned several buildings prepared to accommodate asylum seekers and refugees (in some cases buildings which were not going to be used to house migrants were reduced to ashes).

The state ceased to house people, and the voluntary agency Tiglin tried to fill the gap, by supplying tents.

More about Tiglin :

Tiglin is a registered charity in the Republic of Ireland that helps people overcome addiction, homelessness and other life-controlling issues. We have assisted hundreds of people and their families in improving their lives. This is because we believe and invest in each person’s potential. We work with anyone in need of help. Therefore we get results that benefit the whole of society.
Tiglin provides a variety of social care services, such as street outreach, crisis homeless services, residential rehabilitation programmes, aftercare supports, supported housing, educational opportunities, employment upskilling, and family support for men and women affected by drug and alcohol misuse and frontline services for those seeking international protection. 
Our therapeutic programmes take an evidence-based approach to supporting people with life-controlling issues. We also want to equip those in our care with personal and professional skills to help them in the life beyond our care. This means providing life skills and training opportunities ranging from courses in further education courses, qualifying employment certificates, counselling, parenting skills, and family therapy and barista training in our social enterprise café café.

Tiglin Mission and Values

In some cases the state asked Tiglin to take on this job. Then the state sent in diggers and other vehicles which threw the new tents into skips. Migrants moved on to different parts of the city – and arsonist racists threatened them. The state effectively gave the thugs a green light.

This madness must cease.

John Meehan May 10 2024

The 1997 Bellaghy State Terrorist Murder of a GAA Chairperson Seán Brown in Derry – Link to Documentary

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Trevor Birney’s documentary is recommended. It was broadcast on the Irish state’s TV Station RTÉ (Radio Telefís Éireann) 1 on April 22 2024.

Seán Brown of Bellaghy County Derry – a Murdered GAA Club Chairperson

For anyone who missed it or is unable to access it, here’s a link :

“Livingston say Celtic fans displaying an ‘unapproved’ tifo was ‘utterly unacceptable’ ” – Scottish Soccer report by the BBC

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Livingston say Celtic fans displaying an ‘unapproved’ tifo was ‘utterly unacceptable’

This British Broadcasting Corporation report neatly summarizes a commercial corporate assault on the political and civil rights of Celtic soccer supporters, the Green Brigade. Most readers of this blog will recognize the faces of Ireland’s Easter 1916 Rising leaders on the large banner. The Green Brigade has regularly demonstrated with Palestine Flags at Celtic games.

These fans are now banned from Celtic home games :

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April 1 2024 – News Alerts

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Incredible Stories :

Sally Rooney: Killing in Gaza has been supported by Ireland’s ‘good friend’ in the White House

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Sally Rooney: Killing in Gaza has been supported by Ireland’s ‘good friend’ in the White House

Our Government is basking in the moral glow of condemning the bombers, while preserving a cosy relationship with those supplying the bombs

Source :

Sally Rooney – Palestine

“The cries of the innocent will haunt us forever if we stay silent.” These are the words of Taoiseach Leo Varadkar, speaking at an event in Boston this week about Israel’s devastating assault on Gaza. And who could disagree? What is taking place in Palestine now is one of the most profound and shocking moral catastrophes of our time.

Already for months on end, Israeli military forces have been pounding the besieged, starving and largely homeless population of Gaza with relentless aerial bombardment. Cut off from the outside world, Palestinian survivors have been forced to document the crisis in real time, sharing stories, images and footage of mass graves, destroyed buildings and abandoned bodies. And with no end in sight, the United States continues to pump money and weapons into Israel to prolong the onslaught.

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