Tomás Ó Flatharta

Looking at Things from the Left

Archive for the ‘Gregor Kerr’ Category

Paul LeBlanc: Comprehending the Russian-Ukrainian War – Tempest Magazine (USA)

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This article comes with a strong recommendation from Joan McKiernan :

“This terrific article should be widely circulated….

“I must say that with all the classes I had long ago in the IS (International Socialists) on the Russian Revolution, I have no recollection of discussions of Ukraine. So the author’s discussion of that history is important for all of us involved in supporting Ukraine now.”

Paul Le Blanc is launching a new book in Dublin on Tuesday November 7 (the anniversary of the October
revolution) in the New Theatre, behind Connolly Books in Temple Bar.
Doors open at 7pm, with Paul Le Blanc giving a short talk on Lenin’s
politics and theories starting at 7:30. This will be followed by an
interview including opportunity for some questions from the crowd.

Comprehending the Russian-Ukrainian War

Making use of Marxist history and theory

by Paul Le BlancOctober 29, 2023

Paul Le Blanc reviews a critical thread of Marxist theory and history on the right of national self-determination, and the question of Ukraine, concluding that revolutionaries today need to defend the current resistance to the Russian invasion including its rights to seek arms.

In his critique of ultra-left sectarianism, Lenin denounced a tendency to present quotes from Marx as the basis for settling on a tactical orientation to guide us through the complexities of our own time. He insisted that “what is most important, that which constitutes the very gist, the living soul, of Marxism” is “a concrete analysis of a concrete situation.” That is certainly the case when we are considering realities so complex as the Russian-Ukrainian War.

I have attempted such a “concrete analysis of a concrete situation” in an 8900-word article entitled “Making Sense of the Russian Invasion of Ukraine” for the online publication Links: International Journal of Socialist Renewal. In the final 2400 words of the article, I seek to relate the larger analysis of the invasion to previous Marxist theory and lessons from revolutionary history. I urge readers to consult the first 6500 words of the larger article. At the same time, I am hopeful that my review here of some of the relevant history and theory will be useful for those working to sort things out regarding these momentous developments.

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Irish troops to provide weapons training to Ukraine despite Government’s ‘non-lethal’ assistance pledge – Irish Times News Report, August 18 2023

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“Department of Defence insists training does not impact neutrality and that there was no attempt to mislead public” – Irish Times

A copy of Conor Gallagher’s report is here :

Paul Murphy TD (Dublin South-West, People Before Profit) has issued a deeply mistaken public response, consistent with his party’s previously stated opposition to any military anti-imperialist solidarity action in support of the Ukrainian masses’ fight against a genocidal Russian invasion. Source :

This is a grim PBP Left-Evasionist chapter, part of the shocking story: failure to show anti-imperialist solidarity with the masses of Ukraine who are resisting a genocidal Russian invasion.

On July 29 2023 the PBP helped to organise a well-supported anti-racist rally in Dún Laoghaire, a town which proudly hosts a magnificent statue honouring the Irish anti-imperialist gun-runner and human rights activist Roger Casement.

PBP speakers drew attention to the many reasons we honour Casement today : but they overlooked a vital fact : this Easter 1916 rebel imported weapons from Kaiser Wilhelm’s German Empire in order to strike a blow against the then mighty British Empire.

John Meehan August 18 2023

Family home of Dún Laoghaire Councillor Hugh Lewis attacked – Fighting Back Against Racist Thugs in Ireland

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Late in the night of Monday July 17 2023 racists threw a brick through a window of Councillor Hugh Lewis’s family home in Dún Laoghaire. The only occupant in the house was Hugh’s 78 year old father Peter, who, fortunately, was not physically injured. Hugh describes the incident in the radio interview below.

Anti-racists in the area are organizing :

Dún Laoghaire Welcomes Refugees

We believe it is important for people to go Beyond the Myths and Lies. Here are some Facts we have prepared on how the Process of Seeking Asylum works

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Written by tomasoflatharta

Jul 20, 2023 at 9:03 pm

500 Days Since Russia Invaded Ukraine on February 24 2023 – Demonstration, Embassy of the Russian Federation, Dublin, Orwell Road

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Ukrainian Action on Ireland called a demonstration marking Day 500 of the Russian genocidal invasion of Ukraine.

Here is a pictorial record – thanks to John Lyons for the photographs. Over 100 people attended.

Irish Congress of Trade Unions (ICTU) 2023 Conference Unanimously Passes Resolution in Solidarity With Ukraine

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We reported on debates about Ukraine at the ICTU 2023 Conference in a recent post :

Trade Unionists for Solidarity with Ukraine -Russian Troops Out of Ukraine Now – Irish Congress of Trade Unions Conference Official Fringe Meeting – Maginnes 3, Lyrath Hotel Kilkenny – Tuesday July 4 2023, 17:30

Des Derwin and Gregor Kerr, members of Irish Left With Ukraine, proposed and spoke in favour of the motion below :

Gregor Kerr speaking in favour of the motion :

The motion was carried unanimously. We look forward to practical trade union action flowing from this decision.

“The challenge for each of us as Irish trade unionists and as Irish left political activists is to be able to step outside our theory and to listen to the voices of Ukrainian trade unionists” – Gregor Kerr at the 2023 Irish Congress of Trade Unions Conference

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Gregor Kerr, is an Irish National Teachers Organisation delegate to ICTU BDC, a member of the ICTU Global Solidarity Committee and former member of the Irish National Teachers’ Organisation (INTO) Central Executive Committee. Gregor is also a member of Irish Left With Ukraine and has been an active member of several trade union and political campaigns for many years. here is a speech he was not able to deliver :

Due to time constraints I didn’t get an opportunity to deliver my prepared speech at the Irish Left With Ukraine Fringe Meeting at the ICTU Conference yesterday evening. If you get a chance to listen to the 3 fabulous Ukrainian speakers, you will realise that my speech wasn’t missed!

If I had had time, this is what I would have said –

To its credit, the Irish Congress of Trade Unions and many individual unions have been unequivocal in their support for Ukraine since the brutal Russian invasion in February 2022. As is noted in the Executive Council report to BDC, in March 2022 ICTU organised a well-attended demonstration outside the Russian embassy to mark the one-month anniversary of the invasion. ICTU and many unions have run fundraising efforts and moneys raised have gone to the Irish Red Cross and to the International Trade Union Confederation fund to support Ukrainian unions. At meetings of the ITUC General Council, ICTU supported suspension of the Russian Trade Union Federation from the ITUC, and at the ITUC Congress in Melbourne in November 2022, ICTU President Kevin Callinan attended a special session which pledged support to Ukrainian and Belarus unions. Also in November, David Joyce ICTU Global Solidarity Officer and Séamus Dooley of the NUJ spoke at a public meeting in Dublin organised by Irish Left With Ukraine.

Gregor Kerr and a few of the causes he supports :

Many individual unions have also made contact and pledged solidarity with their sister Ukrainian unions. At Easter, 2 representatives of the Trade Union of Education and Science Workers of Ukraine received a standing ovation following a very powerful speech to the annual Congress of my own union – the Irish National Teachers Organisation.

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