Tomás Ó Flatharta

Looking at Things from the Left

Archive for the ‘Israel’ Category

How well did the left go in the June 9 European election? – by Dick Nichols, Green Left (Australia)

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How well did the left go in the June 9 European Election?

How well did the left go in the June 9 European election?

Dick Nichols

graph of election results

Provisional results of the 2024 European Elections, as at June 19. Source:

At first glance it looks as if the parties to the left of the social democracy held their ground against the surge of the far right and mainstream right that marked the June 9 European Union (EU) parliamentary elections (see here for results in detail).

Although the smallest of the European parliament’s seven groups, The Left managed to maintain its EU-wide vote at 5.4% and increase its seat tally from 37 to 39 in the 720-seat assembly.

In addition, left green Members of the European Parliaments (MEPs) and those representing stateless nations (part of the Greens group as the European Free Alliance) at least maintained their numbers in the chamber.

See also

Finland: Mass workers’ strike wave continues against gov’t attacks on workers, unions, welfare

Interview: Fascism and resistance in France today

Ukrainian unionists: Oligarchs, not Europe’s poor, should pay for weapons and aid to Ukraine

Workers’ Party of Belgium gains ground in European, national elections

Yet the Greens group as a whole shrank from 71 seats to 53 while that of the liberals (known as Renew) fell from 102 to 79. This drop reflected that the environmental issues that in part drove the big advance of these parties in the 2019 election were less important for many voters this time.

The campaign was dominated by insecurity about the future, the cost of living (particularly housing), the fear of war, the “immigration threat” and intolerance of difference.

In this grim atmosphere the biggest growth went to the mainstream right European People’s Party and the two far-right groups (Identity and Democracy and Conservatives and Reformists): taken together the right and far right won an extra 30 seats, bring it to 324.

Because it would take only 37 ungrouped MEPs to join them to from a reactionary majority, the June 9 result poses with new urgency two old questions about politics in the European parliament. How much, if at all, does the real balance of political forces in the chamber differ from that among its formal groupings? And how much does membership of a group represent disciplined commitment to its positions?

Left divisions over Ukraine

The questions are sharply relevant in the case of the Left group, where differences over what stance to take towards the Russian invasion of Ukraine were already pointing towards a split before June 9.

On May 31, Li Andersson, chairperson of the Finnish Left Alliance told the Helsinki Times that these differences could not be tolerated in the group in the new legislature. Referring to Clare Daly and Mick Wallace, Irish left independent opponents of military aid to Ukraine, Andersson said: “The Nordic Green Left as a whole [covering Finland, Sweden, Denmark, Norway, Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands] is of the opinion that if they manage to win re-election, they can’t join our group.”

For Andersson, the same went for the new Sahra Wagenknecht Alliance: For Reason and Justice (BSW), a split in Germany from leading Left group member Die Linke (The Left). BSW opposes military aid to Ukraine and supports resuming the gas trade with Russia, in common with most of Europe’s far-right parties.

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Rory Hearne: Tackling Housing Crisis & Far-Right in Ireland | European Elections

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Link : Rory Hearne – We need Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael to be decimated

“We Need Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael to be Decimated”

Readers can note a welcome statement here in solidarity with Ukraine against the Russian imperialist far-right invaders :

In terms of the broader issues facing Europe, the EU has largely gone for a containment strategy against Russia in the Ukrainian war. It’s difficult to see too any other viable approach, given that the continent is faced with such a dangerous – not to mention nuclear-armed – adversary in Vladimir Putin. It truly is an absolute nightmare.

“It is,” nods Hearne. “Europe has responded in the best way it could. We rightfully absolutely opposed the horrific invasion of Ukraine. There’s no question the Russian invasion is imperialist, and it was horrific watching it. I would support how the EU has responded, and I’m proud of Ireland taking in Ukrainian refugees. What I’d say is we have to continue to support Ukraine. I think we also need to find ways of peace, and ways of not creating a permanent war there.”

See also : Ukraine and Palestine: building real solidarity is hard work

The left in Ireland needs to commit itself to a policy of no governmental coalition with the political right in any circumstances. See here : Vote left transfer pact June 7 2024 – positive PBP proposal

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Struggles for Self-Determination: Ukraine and Palestine Solidarity Discussion

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Link :

Ukraine and Palestine: building real solidarity is hard work

A guest post by JOHN LAWRENCE, from the People and Nature Blog hosted by Simon Pirani.

This article is relevant to the European Parliament Election campaign in Ireland and other parts of Europe.

“Genocide is genocide, a mass grave is a mass grave. We are with the people who are in there, and against the people who put them there”, journalist Ed Vulliamy told a discussion meeting in London on Monday.

The Russian invasion of Ukraine, and Israel’s war on Gaza – both of which have settler colonial and genocidal dimensions – had thrown an unusually clear light on the hypocrisy of people who oppose one, but not the other, Vulliamy said.

Marching in London, March 2024. Photos from United Action UK on instagram

In the United Nations, Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky abstains over Gaza, and South Africa abstains over Ukraine, Vulliamy said.

“Large sections of the left wonderfully support Gaza but, having denied and justified [the massacre in 1995 of Bosnians by Serb troops at] Srebrenica, at best indulge, or support, Vladimir Putin and his imperial endeavour,” he continued.

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USA President Genocide Joe Biden

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What public figure do you disagree with the most?

Genocide Joe Biden has the blood of thousands of innocent Gazans on his hands.

Massive Public Support for Pro-Palestine Encampment at Trinity College Dublin (TCD) – Book of Kells Closed Indefinitely

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Palestine Solidarity at the centre of Dublin City – May 5 2024

#DivestNow #AcademicBoycott

Irish Times Report, May 5 2024; Ronan McGreevy, Fiachra Gallagher

Trinity College Dublin closed ‘until further notice’ as protest against Israel ties continues

Several dozen students who have set up camp on the university’s grounds, blockading entrance to Book of Kells, say they will remain ‘indefinitely’ until demands are met

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Stormont 1st Minister O’Neill (Sinn Féin) and Deputy 1st Minister Little-Pengelly (DUP) met US firm supplying Israeli military in Washington DC

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Gerry Carroll, a People Before Profit member of the Stormont Assembly in Belfast, raises very disturbing questions.

This is a Suzanne Breen Belfast Telegraph Report, April 18 2024

People Before Profit MLA Gerry Carroll has slammed Michelle O’Neill and Emma Little-Pengelly for meeting a US engineering company which supplies the Israeli military with machinery to use in Gaza.

During their visit to Washington last month, the First Minister and Deputy First Minister met with Caterpillar, which provides its huge D9R armoured bulldozers to Israel.

The machines have a highly controversial history.

They were also used in the 2008-09 Gaza War, which left up to 1,400 people dead.

In 2003, American peace activist Rachel Corrie was crushed to death by a D9R as she tried to stop a bulldozer demolishing Palestinian homes in southern Gaza.

Rachel Corrie, crushed to death by Caterpillar armoured bulldozer in 2009

Mr Carroll lambasted Ms O’Neill and Ms Little-Pengelly for also meeting Israeli-founded cybersecurity firm Forescout, which has a contract with the US Department of Defense.

He said: “It is deplorable for the First and Deputy First Minister to meet these firms during Israel’s genocide in Gaza.

“Caterpillar is complicit in the Israeli occupation, enabling the illegal bulldozing of Palestinian homes. This is not reflective of Caterpillar workers, but of the horrific profiteering of Caterpillar bosses.

“Israeli-founded Forescout continues to do business with Israel’s chief military backer, and should never have been at that meeting.”

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“Livingston say Celtic fans displaying an ‘unapproved’ tifo was ‘utterly unacceptable’ ” – Scottish Soccer report by the BBC

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Livingston say Celtic fans displaying an ‘unapproved’ tifo was ‘utterly unacceptable’

This British Broadcasting Corporation report neatly summarizes a commercial corporate assault on the political and civil rights of Celtic soccer supporters, the Green Brigade. Most readers of this blog will recognize the faces of Ireland’s Easter 1916 Rising leaders on the large banner. The Green Brigade has regularly demonstrated with Palestine Flags at Celtic games.

These fans are now banned from Celtic home games :

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Palestine, Ukraine and the crisis of empires – Simon Pirani

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Simon Pirani’s article is recommended. Unfortunately many Irish left-wing organizations and activists, such as People Before Profit and Clare Daly MEP, have adopted the policy advocated by the British Stop the War Coalition. In the conclusions section of this essay Pirani observes :

In May [2021], you wrote that Stop the War is “supporting the people of Palestine, who have a right to resist occupation”. I agree with that. But why no such statement about Ukraine?

And if Ukrainians, or Palestinians, have a right to resist, what does it mean? Does it only mean standing up to tanks with your bare hands, as Ukrainians have had to do? Does it mean throwing stones, often the only weapons that young Palestinians have? What about proper weapons? Do you think Palestinians have a right to those? And Ukrainians?

About the Author :

Simon Pirani is a British writer, historian and researcher of energy. He is honorary professor in the School of Modern Languages and Cultures at the University of Durham.[1] From 2007 to 2021 he was senior research fellow at the Oxford Institute for Energy Studies (with a period as senior visiting research fellow in 2017-19).[2]

In 2018 Pirani published Burning Up: A Global History of Fossil Fuel Consumption, in which he portrays consumption growth as a result of world capitalist economic expansion.[3] He argues that the relationship between technological systems that account for most fossil fuel use, and the social and economic systems in which they are embedded, is paramount. His articles and presentations on this theme are collected on his website.[4] He also writes about these themes on a blog, People & Nature Link :

Palestine, Ukraine and the crisis of empires

On the Easter weekend, on the latest gigantic march in London against UK complicity in Israel’s war on Gaza, a group of us took a banner that said “From Ukraine to Palestine, occupation is a crime”. We were welcomed by marchers around us, and people took up our slogan.

But beyond a slogan, what can we, in the labour movement and social movements in the UK, do about these conflicts that are transforming the world we live in, and heightening fears of bigger, bloodier wars?

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Reports : Israel “interntionally kills” United Nations employees : Polish, Australian, Irish, and British

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Reports state that Israeli military forces have “intentionally killed” United Nations employees : Polish, Australian, Irish, and British.

Labour Party TD Aodhán Ó Ríordáin (Dublin Bay North) states :

Israel have just killed an Irish citizen working for the UN. 30,000 murdered Palestinians should have been reason enough. But immediate sanctions including expulsion of ambassador must be the reaction of govt. And if Dáil needs to be recalled to sanction it then so be it.

Aodhán Ó Ríordáin TD

For sure, many other TD’s will make the same call.

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Who Organised a Belfast Patrick’s Weekend Palestine March – Minus the Original Speakers? Bernadette McAliskey looks for answers

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Bernadette McAliskey asks questions :

The Ireland Palestine Solidarity Campaign (IPSC) should provide answers.

Bernadette McAliskey :

Was this march organised by Belfast ISPC? On what date did the platform change from the three speakers below and become a platform of primarily spokespersons for political parties of the NI Assembly,? On what date were the political parties first invited to speak? Why was the list of political party speakers including Sinn Fein not announced prior to the March and rally itself, allowing those who didn’t want to hear from political parties whose leaders were in the White House, or those doing little or nothing for Palestine to have stayed away? Who made these decisions, the consequences of which must have obvious to them at the time, given the depth of feeling from anger to disappointment? What did they expect from an unsuspecting audience when a Sinn Fein speaker was sprung on them? Did they, through naivety, expect Sinn Fein to decline or was the reaction foreseen and thought to OK?

Without some transparency and explanation of the who, when and why, the organisers have very little credibility left with independent activists who are daily raising awareness; building support for boycott of Israeli goods on the ground; fund raising for medical aid, for children, for food aid in Gaza and helping as best they know how, Palestinians living here to cope with the pain and trauma of their fear for family and friends at home as well their exile.
Either lack of foresight and transparency, intentional deceit, or plain old-fashioned elitism needs to be owned up to, unless the organisers have a better explanation. This is no way to build any principled unity on Palestine, or anything else for that matter.

Vincent Doherty :

This is a moment of decision nationally for the IPSC. Sinn Fein would prefer if we all forgot their treachery in fine wining and dining with Biden in the midst of the genocide. Just like a few years ago when they were meeting with Likud despite having signed up to the BDS campaign. It’s the elephant in the room, and one that needs to be addressed.