Tomás Ó Flatharta

Looking at Things from the Left

Racist Scumbags in Ireland Are Burning Unoccupied Buildings – The Hug-a-Thug Policing Strategy of Garda Boss Drew Harris is coming home to roost

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A question to Garda Boss Drew Harris : How is the Hug-a-Thug Policing Strategy Playing Out?

In 2023, in his weekly Sunday Independent columns, Gene Kerrigan wrote devastating examinations of Garda Boss Drew Harris’s strategy for dealing with escalating far-right activity in Ireland. November 23 2023 racist riots in Dublin’s city centre prompted this sarcastic Kerrigan twitter comment :

The classic part of their playbook,” Drew Harris said of the far right, “is an over-response by the authorities. We are not going to fall into that trap.” How’s the hug-a-thug policing strategy playing out, Drew?

Source : The Drew Harris Hug-a-Thug Policing Strategy

Racist riots erupted on Dublin’s streets on November 23 2023. The “hug-a-thug” philosophy of Drew Harris finds its way into this Irish Times report :

Many Garda officers do not accept the disturbances on the night were “far-right riots”, saying the event was more nuanced. They say the trouble was whipped up by a small far-right element before opportunists with no ideology seized the chance to go on a rampage, taking on gardaí and looting shops.

Conor Lally, Crime & Law
How far right-sparked violence dominated the year in policing during 2023, Irish Times December 27 2023

The Irish Far-Right is on an arson roll – its activists are burning unoccupied buildings which are earmarked to house homeless refugees.

Joe Mooney, an anti-racist activist, has published a dark assessment of the latest arson attack in Ringsend. It is recommended reading – we have removed one term of abuse which is misogynistic.

Source : Joe Mooney rages against racist arsonists in Dublin’s Ringsend


That is the message sent last night, as scumbags burned out a vacant building which was earmarked for use as accommodation for homeless families.

This arson attack is a direct result of the lies and disinformation spread by prominent anti-immigrant protestors who targeted the area just before Christmas.

Far-Right Racist Scum are burning unoccupied buildings all over Ireland – in case they are used to accommodate homeless refugees .

These scumbags keep parroting the phrase “House the Irish” …. well how does that match up with burning out homeless accommodation ?

The truth is none of the rabble which make up the Irish far-right/ anti immigrant/ racist cesspool have ever made any contribution to tackling the homeless or housing crisis created by the government. Instead they only crawled out from under their rock to scapegoat foreigners and divert attention from those actually responsible for the policies which brought us here. They are actually providing a very useful service to the Government parties.

One of the largest land masses available for housing locally is the former Irish Glass Bottle site nearby. This has been vacant for decades but has been tied up in controversy and corruption which all originated with Government actions. Instead of using the state controlled site to provide public housing it has been gifted to one of the most despicable private developers in the country, who is holding the community to ransom to maximise his profits.

Have any of the knuckle dragging morons who torched a homeless hub ever challenged this major scandal that denies housing for that community ? Have they ever challenged Government policy on housing or addressed the accommodation or homeless crisis ? Have they ever targeted the multi-millionaires who are sitting on usable land banks gifted to them by the Government ? Of course they haven’t, but they are quick to be whipped up by outsiders preaching hate and blaming immigrants for crisis outside of their control. They are the enemy of not just immigrants and homeless people but are anti-community, despite all their rhetoric.

There will be a number of racist and far-right grifters running in next years local and European elections. These are dishonest bastards who will whip up hate and fear to win votes. They will incite criminal actions such as this and deliberately create tension and division in working class communities. If you are stupid enough to believe them, if you support them or vote for them you are as big a **** as they are.

See also :

Irish Police Boss Drew Harris Offers Light-Touch Appeasement to Far-Right Protesters Outside the Gates of Leinster House – Skeletons Rattling in the Garda Commissioner’s Cupboard

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