Tomás Ó Flatharta

Looking at Things from the Left

Posts Tagged ‘Irish Congress of trade Unions (ICTU)

Ireland’s Open(ish) Border : “selective Garda passport checks on the Border already take place, at times on the basis of quite blatant racial discrimination” – Statement by Human Rights Organisations and Trade Unions

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A number of Irish human rights organizations and Trade Unions have issued a very strong statement following a stampede of racist publicity concerning “Open Borders”.

Here is an example from the Sunday Independent (May 5 2025)

Do you believe there should be checkpoints at the border with Northern Ireland to limit the number of asylum-seekers coming from the U.K.?

The newspaper published this summary of its survey :

Once again, Andrew Flood offers a devastating reply

With the trap carefully baited & Sinn Féin blundering into it here’s the spring being sprung. Farage & Dowson cackling with glee as their weird investment pays off. It’s a trap all the way down of course because …

Andrew Flood

It gets dafter – 82% want to go through an expensive deportation process to somewhere we have a common travel area with & where people deported can just walk back across any of the 400+ border crossing points again you can see where accepting this logic rapidly leads

Andrew Flood
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