Tomás Ó Flatharta

Looking at Things from the Left

Posts Tagged ‘ireland-local-and-european-elections-june-7-2024

Sinn Féin Election Disaster – The Price Of Putting Popularity Before Principle – Éirigí Analysis

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Éirigí, a socialist-republican organisation, “is a political party that was formed in 2006 by a group of Dublin-based community and political activists. We believe that modern Ireland is a deeply undemocratic, unequal and unfair country not by accident, but by design.” Their analysis of Sinn Féin’s unexpectedly weak showing in the June 7 2024 Irish Local and European Elections highlights how the party was bounced into changing its position on immigration and racism :

With a few notable exceptions, this new talking point was propagated without context – with no detailed critique of migration in the modern world – no attempt to explain why the asylum process is in chaos – no robust defence of the core republican principle of equality – no assertion that racism, sectarianism and xenophobia are the enemies of republicanism – no calling out the peddling of hate and division by the far-right.
For potential Sinn Féin voters, the lesson was clear.  The party could be bounced into changing its messaging if there were votes at stake, even when those doing the bouncing were far-right bigots.  It seems almost certain that the ease with which Sinn Féin was bounced on the issue of immigration did them more electoral damage than their actual position on immigration.

Sinn Féin Election Disaster – The Price Of Putting Popularity Before Principle

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Sinn Féin Election Disaster – The Price Of Putting Popularity Before Principle – Éirigí analysis

Two weeks have now passed since the Local and European elections in the Twenty-Six Counties. Despite Sinn Féin’s frantic spinning to the contrary, the election was nothing short of an unmitigated disaster for the party. The number of votes and seats secured by the party was even lower than the lowest expectations of pollsters, political commentators and Sinn Féin itself.

As recently as July 2022, support for Sinn Féin was at a level not seen in more than a century. The Irish Times/IPSOS opinion poll for that month found that 36% of voters in the Twenty-Six Counties intended to vote for Sinn Féin.

Irish Times/IPSOS poll results from July 2022 had Sinn Féin attracting the support of more than one in three voters in the Twenty-Six Counties. (Image courtesy of Irish Times).

Fourteen months later, in September 2023, the same poll found that 34% still intended to vote for Sinn Féin.  Among voters under the age of 34, support was even higher at more than 43%.  Despite this, Sinn Féin secured less than 12% of the popular vote in the 2024 Local and European elections.

So, why have two-thirds of Sinn Féin supporters abandoned the party since last September?

Prior to elections the apparent answer to this question seemed obvious to many – immigration.  Immigration, it was claimed, had recently become a red-hot issue for many Sinn Féin supporters., and these supporters were now walking away from Sinn Féin in their droves because the party was too ‘soft’ on immigration.  It was an open and shut case.  Until it wasn’t.

When the ballot boxes were opened on this day two weeks ago, it quickly became clear that the opinion polls had significantly underestimated the scale of Sinn Féin’s woes

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