Tomás Ó Flatharta

Looking at Things from the Left

Posts Tagged ‘houses

Rory Hearne accuses Ciaran Mullooly of ‘hypocrisy’ in scathing attack on the “Independent Ireland” racist party – a wolf in Blueshirt clothes

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This is an Irish Independent Story, June 3 2024.

A few ex Fianna Fáil and Fine Gael Dáil Deputies formed Independent Ireland (IIP) recently, led by a man with a famous name, Michael Collins TD (Cork South-West).  The 1922 pro-treaty inheritors of the dead Michael Collins legacy went on to establish the failed fascist Blueshirts in the 1930’s led by Fine Gael’s first president Eoin O’Duffy.

The IIP is running two well known broadcasters (Ciarán  Mullooly and Niall Boylan) in the European elections.

Social Democrat Euro-Parliament candidate Rory Hearne presents a convincing left-wing anti-racist case against the IIP wolf in Blueshirt clothes.

Rory Hearne accuses Ciaran Mullooly of ‘hypocrisy’ in scathing attack on Independent Ireland

Rory Hearne. Social Democrat Candidate. Euro-Parliament. Ireland North-West

“Why won’t Mullooly and others call for tougher action against the real causes of the housing and homelessness crisis – the vulture funds and corporate landlords locking people out of a home, evicting people and raising the rents?”

Mr Hearn said Independent Ireland offers “no solutions” for the problems that have been caused due to a lack of accommodation.

“The election next week will set the course of Ireland and Europe for many years to come. Are we to turn into a divided society?

“Or are we going to come together and address the real causes of the ­crises, work on solutions together, and treat migrants and asylum-seekers with the dignity every human being deserves, and see migrants for how they positively contribute to and ­enrich our country.”

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Strike of Locksmiths in Catalonia – Fighting Banks which are Stealing Homes and Evicting Residents – An Example for Ireland?

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Written by tomasoflatharta

Jan 6, 2013 at 8:33 pm