Tomás Ó Flatharta

Looking at Things from the Left

Archive for the ‘Councillor Hugh Lewis’ Category

Irish troops to provide weapons training to Ukraine despite Government’s ‘non-lethal’ assistance pledge – Irish Times News Report, August 18 2023

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“Department of Defence insists training does not impact neutrality and that there was no attempt to mislead public” – Irish Times

A copy of Conor Gallagher’s report is here :

Paul Murphy TD (Dublin South-West, People Before Profit) has issued a deeply mistaken public response, consistent with his party’s previously stated opposition to any military anti-imperialist solidarity action in support of the Ukrainian masses’ fight against a genocidal Russian invasion. Source :

This is a grim PBP Left-Evasionist chapter, part of the shocking story: failure to show anti-imperialist solidarity with the masses of Ukraine who are resisting a genocidal Russian invasion.

On July 29 2023 the PBP helped to organise a well-supported anti-racist rally in Dún Laoghaire, a town which proudly hosts a magnificent statue honouring the Irish anti-imperialist gun-runner and human rights activist Roger Casement.

PBP speakers drew attention to the many reasons we honour Casement today : but they overlooked a vital fact : this Easter 1916 rebel imported weapons from Kaiser Wilhelm’s German Empire in order to strike a blow against the then mighty British Empire.

John Meehan August 18 2023

Say No to Hate and Fear – Dún Laoghaire Welcomes Rally – Saturday July 29 1pm at the People’s Park

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Anto-Racists in Dún Laoghaire are organizing. Thanks to Gregor Kerr for the information.

The people of Dún Laoghaire and the surrounding communities have a long history and tradition of being open and welcoming to everyone. The history and heritage of our town is largely a story of emigration. Our harbour was the last sight for many of our family members who left our shore as economic migrants in search of a better life.

Unfortunately, recently, attempts are being made by some people – some of whom are from outside our communities – to stir up fear and hate against a number of people seeking asylum who have recently been accommodated in Dún Laoghaire. The picketing and protests at the centre on Eblana Avenue are deeply offensive and totally unacceptable. They fundamentally target the wrong people and will achieve nothing for the Irish homeless or anyone else. They must stop and we appeal to people not to support these protests.

Whether we were born in Ireland, moved here for work, or came here seeking refuge, everyone just wants to live a safe and decent life. This is just as true of the people seeking asylum recently arrived in our community as of anyone else.
In recent years many of us have worked on campaigns to get affordable homes for all, for decent jobs and against attacks on our living standards, such as the cost of living crisis. We must continue this struggle and build a united campaign to actually address the housing crisis and build the homes so desperately needed..

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Family home of Dún Laoghaire Councillor Hugh Lewis attacked – Fighting Back Against Racist Thugs in Ireland

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Late in the night of Monday July 17 2023 racists threw a brick through a window of Councillor Hugh Lewis’s family home in Dún Laoghaire. The only occupant in the house was Hugh’s 78 year old father Peter, who, fortunately, was not physically injured. Hugh describes the incident in the radio interview below.

Anti-racists in the area are organizing :

Dún Laoghaire Welcomes Refugees

We believe it is important for people to go Beyond the Myths and Lies. Here are some Facts we have prepared on how the Process of Seeking Asylum works

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Written by tomasoflatharta

Jul 20, 2023 at 9:03 pm