Tomás Ó Flatharta

Looking at Things from the Left

Archive for the ‘David Gutnick’ Category

Well Educated People and the Profoundly Ignorant – The Team Opposing Anti-Imperialist Solidarity With Ukraine

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James Doyle responds to this post :

Correcting Mandel – Why Arming Ukraine is the Road to Peace

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Correcting Mandel: Why arming Ukraine is the road to peace

It’s amazing how Amerocentric Campism enables some extremely well educated people in the west – as well as many of the profoundly ignorant – to declare their positions on the Russian invasion of Ukraine (part 2) without knowing even the basics of the socio-political realities which precipitated the invasion.

Someone like Mandel has to ignore everything which has happened from Kazakhstan to Moldova, and from 1999 to 2023 – as well as Putin’s rule over the Russian people itself and how it has affected civic, minority, and labour rights – in favour of narrowing his narrative on the “causes” of the Russian invasion to what happened in the Donbas and Crimea between February 2014 and February 2022… and even then he cannot make this argument in good faith, instead following an epistemology based on ignoring easily provable factual events in favour of bald reductio-ad-NATO absurdism.

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Correcting Mandel: Why arming Ukraine is the road to peace

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This is a very good polemical article, written by the Canadian author David Gutnick, examining Professor David Mandel’s calls for Ukrainians to accept a ceasefire and negotiate with Russia immediately.

The source is :

Europe Solidaire Sans Frontières

David Gutnick’s article was originally published in :

Canadian Dimension

Monday 14 August 2023, by GUTNICK David

Correcting Mandel: Why arming Ukraine is the road to peace

“Pacifism has its place, but not here and not now,” writes David Gutnick

Street art in support of Ukraine on the side of a pub in Belfast, March 1, 2022. Photo from Wikimedia Commons.

David Mandel and I share much more in common than our given name. We’re both French-speaking Anglophones who live in Montréal. Like professor Mandel, I worked for decades at a publicly funded institution: he taught at universities, while I produced documentaries for CBC Radio. We both consider ourselves humanists who want to help build a kinder, more democratic and socialist world.

But while reading Mandel’s August 2 piece in this publication, it became clear that we profoundly disagree on how to get there.

In a nutshell, Mandel calls for Ukrainians to accept a ceasefire and negotiate with Russia immediately, while I—following the lead of Ukrainians—believe the country needs more arms: the deadlier the better, unfortunately.

Mandel—like Vladimir Putin—says his position is the humanist one, as it will save lives.

I think that is wrongheaded. A wealth of evidence proves Volodymyr Zelensky’s position is right: Russia’s present leadership is bloodthirsty, intent on building an untrustworthy imperialist power. Putin slaughtered Chechens and Georgians when they would not submit to Russian domination, and now he is slaughtering Ukrainians. He will not hesitate to slaughter whoever is next to get in his way.

Humanists think of peace-building in the long term, and that means standing up to aggression now, not turning the other cheek.

Pacifism has its place, but not here and not now.

Unless Putin pulls back his army, Ukrainians have no choice but to fight.

Mandel writes that over the decades he has been “opposed to the policies of the regimes of these states, which were and remain deeply hostile to workers’ interests.”

We share that view.

But since the first Russian tanks illegally crossed Ukraine’s border into Crimea on February 20, 2014, then again into Kyiv on February 24, 2022, it is not just “workers’ interests” which have suffered: tens of thousands of Ukrainian trade unionists, kindergarten monitors, university students, mothers and fathers and innocent children have been killed by Russian invaders.

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