Trade Unionists for Solidarity with Ukraine -Russian Troops Out of Ukraine Now – Irish Congress of Trade Unions Conference Official Fringe Meeting – Maginnes 3, Lyrath Hotel Kilkenny – Tuesday July 4 2023, 17:30

Trade Unionists for Solidarity with Ukraine –Russian Troops Out of Ukraine Now ICTU BDC Official Fringe Meeting Maginnes 3, Lyrath Hotel, Kilkenny Tuesday July 4 2023 17.30 Zoom Link : Speakers : Gregor Kerr – Irish National Teachers Organisation delegate to ICTU BDC, member of the ICTU Global Solidarity Committee (Personal Capacity) Nataliya Levytska … Continue reading Trade Unionists for Solidarity with Ukraine -Russian Troops Out of Ukraine Now – Irish Congress of Trade Unions Conference Official Fringe Meeting – Maginnes 3, Lyrath Hotel Kilkenny – Tuesday July 4 2023, 17:30